Make a Monetary Donation to our Food Pantry!
We've heard some groups like to call this a "No Food Food Drive!" See the image with the stacks of corn? This illustrates how your dollar can fill our pantry for our neighbors in need. You can now borrow a "Little Blue Barrel" and have a monetary food drive! Find out more here: caringplacetx.org/bluebarrel or make a monetary donation at caringplacetx.org/donate.
Food & Necessity Drives & Pantry Donations
Food & Necessity Drives:
To ensure we are filling the Food Pantry with the items we need most, we prefer assigning your group a particular item to collect during your Food or Necessity Drive. Why "Food & Necessities?" because we give out more than food - Think hygiene items, diapers, detergent, toilet paper and other basics.
Here's how we can help make your Drive successful:
- We can arrange to drop off and pick up a large blue barrel with The Caring Place logo.
- If you are delivering your donations to The Caring Place, please utilize our north parking lot at 2000 Railroad and park in the Pantry Donation "RESERVED" space with the blue sign. We will come out to unload for you.
- Pantry Donations can be made during Food Pantry operating hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM and on Thursdays from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
- We will email you a flyer to customize with your organizational information before your Drive. The flyer will include the item you are collecting for The Caring Place.
- We record and track the weight of your organization's donations.
Ready to get started?
Submit the Blue Barrel Drive Request Form below and our team will reach out to coordinate the details with you. To email our team with any questions please reach out to fooddonations@caringplacetx.org